Lighting retrofit at the local Suburban Propane Office. They have been providing reliable installation and delivery of propane for residential and commercial use for over 95+ years.
This project took advantage of the benefits and incentives from the Energy Trust of Oregon to improve the ROI on installing new LED lighting. Ask us how you can save money and reduce your energy costs.
A lighting retrofit your facility means adding something new that the building didn’t previously have or that wasn’t a part of the original construction. For example, a technology, component, or accessory. The term “retrofit” is very much a synonym with the term “conversion.” In the case of lighting, most retrofits that are happening today are LED lighting retrofits.
Why Complete LED Lighting Retrofit?
LED lights are replacing traditional lighting technology across a wide spectrum of lighting applications. They are useful for interior lighting, exterior lighting, and small lighting in mechanical applications.
Case Studies On LED Lighting Retrofit
We have two studies that document saving potential for your review. One is a parking garage and the other is a parking lot lighting system.