5 Advantages Of A Lightng Retrofit

Aztec Electrical has completed dozens of lighting retrofits with homes and businesses in Southern Oregon.

Advantages Of A Lightng Retrofit

#1 A lighting retrofit is the process of replacing parts and components in an existing lighting system with more efficient/better quality counterparts.

#2 There are many reasons people choose to retrofit their lighting. One of the main motivators is the potential money savings it offers. Be sure to ask about incentives and cash savings with the Energy Trust of Oregon.

#3 There are three stages of every retrofit. The first is analyzing your current lighting. Second is providing a detailed proposal for the new lighting. Lastly is the install of your new lighting.

#4 For a business, the top three reasons for a lighting retrofit are efficents, productivity, and cost-effective operations. A lighting retrofit will beneficially impact each of those areas.

#5 Improved lighting will enhance employee work areas and also benefit the experience of customers. For example, security, cost savings with new light technology, and also the environment by varying the ambiance.

Residential Complex 2024

From the ground up, 45+ condos being constructed along the golf course covering all electrical systems.

KOA Park 2024

New KOA park for recreational vehicles requiring electrical system and various voltage requirements.

Boise Cascade 2023

Electrical systems, installing explosion proof propane tank, and a complete lighting retrofit using LEDs.

Aztec Electrical

Premier electricians servicing electrical systems and providing energy management services.