Energy Costs Reduced 67% In Parking Garage Using Retrofit

In California one county reduced electricity costs in parking garage with efficient T8 lamps and wireless lighting controls.

San Mateo County cut lighting energy use by 67% through a lighting retrofit with wireless controls at the parking garage serving the County’s administrative campus.

Energy Costs Reduced 67% In Parking Garage Using Retrofit

San Mateo County drives down electricity costs in parking garage with efficient T8 lamps and wireless lighting controls.

San Mateo County cut lighting energy use by 67% through a lighting retrofit with wireless controls at the parking garage serving the County’s administrative campus.

With six levels and over 900 parking spaces occupied daily, San Mateo County’s County Center Parking Garage supports the commutes of hundreds of employees and visitors, and houses a fleet of County vehicles. Unfortunately, with most of their inefficient high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps operating 20 to 24 hours per day, seven days a week, paying the monthly $46,000 electric bill for this facility was no joyride.

Building type: 6-level parking garage

Size: 312,150 square feet, 904 parking spaces

Project: 279 HPS fixtures (150W) replaced with bi-level linear fluorescent fixtures (44-73W)

Annual energy savings: 248,200 kWh

Peak load reduction: 22.3 kW

Simple payback: 3.8 years

At Aztec Electrical we will help you get your lighting retrofit project optimally designed and installed correctly.

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Aztec Electrical

Premier electricians servicing electrical systems and providing energy management services.