Our expert lighting services include diagnostics and ideas to achieve optimized upgrade solutions, along with reviewing potential cash or program incentives since we are a qualified Trade Ally contractor with the Energy Trust of Oregon.
A recent study showed that lighting accounts for about 11 percent of energy use in residential buildings and 18 percent in commercial buildings.
Two methods to reduce energy costs are conserving lighting use and adopting more efficient lighting technologies.
Lighting fixtures are an important part of every business.
They provide light and ambiance to a room and can be used to create the perfect atmosphere for specific requirements. For example, using different lighting in the computer room versus the front office.
However, like any other electrical device, lighting fixtures require regular maintenance in order to ensure they are functioning properly.
Our electricians make it easy to optimize the lighting at your home, your office, and your business.
We understand lighting technology requirements, plus we can apply any available incentives or rebates to your project to help enhance the ROI of your project.
The first step is assessing your existing current lighting system and then making recommendations on how to improve it which includes reducing energy consumption that can include suggestions on the best placement of the new lighting fixtures.
Call us today and arrange a free estimate.