Lower Your Energy Costs

Studies show that lighting lighting improves facility safety, contributes to improving productivity while increasing occupant satisfaction. Call us to schedule a free review of your lighting requirements using the latest technology.

Optimize Your Enery Use

Improving your technology that consumes energy will improve facility safety, reduce quality incidents, improve productivity and increase occupant satisfaction. Newer lighting technologies have better lighting-quality characteristics, such as improved color, reduced flicker and greater light output.

LED Lighting

Lighting upgrades are an effective and easy method to make accomplish improvements to your property.

Plus, lighting upgrades can often pay back your investment through energy savings in as little as two years.

The Energy Trust of Oregon, where we are a Trade Ally Contractor, offers incentive and cash rebates for lighitng upgrades.

We will help you save money on your power bills along with enhancing the ROI of your facility energy projects.

This is control box under construction at a local housing project.
  • Lower Energy Costs With Optimized Technology

  • Lower Energy Costs With Optimized Technology

  • Control Panel Upgrade With Optimized Technology

  • Lighting Upgrade With LED Technology

  • New Retail Electrical System

  • Lower Energy Costs With Optimized Technology

  • Warehouse Lighting Retrofit

  • Truck Repair Lighting Retrofit

  • New Office Lighting System

Residential Complex 2024

From the ground up, 45+ condos being constructed along the golf course covering all electrical systems.

KOA Park 2024

New KOA park for recreational vehicles requiring electrical system and various voltage requirements.

Boise Cascade 2023

Electrical systems, installing explosion proof propane tank, and a complete lighting retrofit using LEDs.

Aztec Electrical

Premier electricians servicing electrical systems and providing energy management services.