The variety of LED lighting is suitable for commercial purposes since lighting requirements vary from office areas to building security needs to warehouse lighting.
There are numerous opportunities to make the switch to LED, including streetlights, parking garage lighting, and task lighting.
Three points to consider when thinking about switching to LED:
1. Brightness remains the same but uses up to 90% less energy.
2. Lighting lasts up to 15 times longer, which translates into significant financial savings.
3. Less heat is produced compared to incandescent bulbs, which release the majority of their energy as heat.
By switching to LED, you increase your company's commitment to energy efficiency while also taking advantage of utility rebates, like the ones we mentioned with the Energy Trust of Oregon.
LED lights are very durable and can withstand serious wear and tear. They are resistant to shocks, vibrations, and extreme temperatures, which makes them perfect for outdoor lighting or harsh environments.
In a commercial situation, it's always a good time to consider switching to LED.
For your home, it's important to consider the costs compared to savings.
We are certified to work with the Energy Trust of Oregon and can explain cash incentives and rebates specific to your home or business project. Call our office today.
With our weather in Southern Oregon, we have times of high electricity costs. If your business has buildings with long operating hours, you will achieve the greatest return on an LED investment.
From the ground up, 45+ condos being constructed along the golf course covering all electrical systems.
New KOA park for recreational vehicles requiring electrical system and various voltage requirements.